Service to the Manchester, Connecticut Community
for Over 90 Years



We design, plant and maintain five town gardens that beautify our community. Three are clustered at the corner of Main and Center Street: the Margaret Trotter Memorial Garden; the Vietnam Memorial Park Garden, designed to honor our veterans; and the Gateway Garden, "planted pink" in support of breast cancer awareness. We care for the Ellen Buckley Memorial Garden on the Green and created and maintain the Monarch/Bird Waystation at the east end of Center Springs Park.

Each year, our members support the annual decoration of the Historical Society's Cheney Homestead for its Holiday Open House and create an interpretive arrangement for the Wadsworth Atheneum's Fine Arts and Flowers.

We support Wickham Park, the Manchester Land Trust, donate flower arrangements monthly to Manchester Hospital and encourage local organizations with our annual Beautification Award.

An annual scholarship is awarded to graduating high school seniors, college students, or adults enrolled in a horticultural or conservation program. The application for the academic year 2024-2025 is online. Deadline for submission of the application is May 1, 2025. Instructions for submission are included in the application.  (Application)

We are men and women of all ages who enjoy the broadest range of gardening including perennials, annuals, roses, shade and sun, rock gardens and water gardens, carnivorous and tropicals, even indoor gardens. And sometimes, no gardens but a great passion for beauty, service, and friendship.

Our regular meetings are open to the public and we would like to share our knowledge and enthusiasm. Please consider attending one of our programs.

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